Memph’Eks has spent the last few years establishing himself as the poet laureate of his native Memphis. As a devoted student of classic era Hip-Hop, his lyrical prowess has him set up to be the next great talent to emerge from The Bluff. Memph’Eks, real name Xavier Williamson, released his debut single ‘Loyalty’ on 9/4/20. This record is a lyrical illustration that sonically outlines what it takes to survive the sometimes gruesome aspects of life in the 'M'. Beneath the iconic bravado and heavy bass thumps, lies a warm sentiment of optimism, revealing Memph‘EKS to be a storyteller capable of expressing a wide range of emotions. Add in a memorable feature from The Morning Hustle’s 93.9 fm radio host / rap veteran, HeadKrack and you’ve got a single worth the hype. In addition to his music, Memph’Eks is an avid comic book fan who is dedicated to exposing the next generation to other mediums of art and entertainment. This effort inspired the creation of his self-titled comic series, co-written by his label, The Moragne Group.